All exported icons and illustrations can be found here. These are auto-updated from the Design Assets Shared folder. Icons may be blurry on this page because the svg has been made downloadable.

Global header

  • global-search
  • global-bell


  • form-caret-down
  • form-caret-up
  • form-switcher
  • form-check
  • form-uncheck
  • form-cancel


  • arrow-left
  • arrow-right
  • arrow-up
  • arrow-down
  • arrow-right-small

File Actions

  • action-download

Paper Editor Header

  • editor-header-overflow
  • editor-header-plus
  • editor-header-back
  • editor-header-present
  • editor-header-theme
  • editor-header-fullscreen
  • editor-header-unfullscreen

Paper Editor

  • editor-bullet-list
  • editor-number-list
  • editor-checklist
  • editor-comment
  • editor-link
  • editor-h1
  • editor-h2
  • editor-bold
  • editor-italic
  • editor-strikethrough
  • editor-underline
  • editor-placeholder
  • editor-float-left
  • editor-float-right
  • editor-full-width
  • editor-normal-width
  • editor-replace-image
  • editor-block-comment
  • editor-add-circle
  • editor-trash
  • editor-print
  • editor-function
  • editor-sort-smallest-at-top
  • editor-sort-largest-at-top
  • editor-table-header-column
  • editor-table-header-row
  • editor-collapse-table
  • editor-expand-table
  • editor-add-to-table
  • editor-remove-from-table
  • editor-insert
  • editor-insert-small
  • editor-insert-image
  • editor-insert-dropbox
  • editor-insert-table
  • editor-insert-bullet-list
  • editor-insert-number-list
  • editor-insert-checklist
  • editor-insert-line
  • editor-insert-code


  • action-download